Que coisa é essa de ecossocialismo? | 9

Описание к видео Que coisa é essa de ecossocialismo? | 9

O vídeo dessa semana traz o tema que define a militância política por traz dessa página: é práxis do começo ao fim. Ainda é introdutório, mas pouco a pouco vamos abordar mais sobre a luta ecossocialista.

Referências e sugestões de leitura:

Autores pra procurar em português: Michael Löwy, John Bellamy Foster, Alberto Acosta, Daniela Rosendo, o livro Descolonizar o imaginário (ed. elefante) e dar uma olhada nos podcasts que já fiz sobre o tema.

Acselrad, Henri. (2010). The “Environmentalization” of Social Struggles - the Environmental Justice Movement in Brazil. Estudos Avancados, 24(68), 103–119.
Albo, Greg. (2007). The limits of eco-localism: scale, strategy, socialism. Socialist Register, 2007, 337.
Angus, Ian (Ed.). (2009). The global fight for climate justice. London: Resistance Books.
Bodansky, By Daniel. (2010). The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference: A Postmortem. The American Journal of International Law, 104(2), 230–240.
Burkett, Paul. (2006). Two Stages of Ecosocialism? International Journal of Political Economy, 35(3), 23–45. doi:10.2753/IJP0891-1916350302
Burkett, Paul. (2014). Marx and nature: a red and green perspective. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Campbell, Bruce, Klein, Seth, & Lee, Marc. (2015). We Can Afford the Leap By. Retrieved from https://leapmanifesto.org/wp-content/...

Dunlap, Riley E., & Brulle, Robert J. (Eds.). (2015). Climate change and society: Sociological perspectives. New York: American Sociological Association.
Fernandes, Sabrina, & Girard, Richard. (2011). Corporations, Climate and the United Nations How Big Business has Seized Control of Global Climate Negotiations.
Foster, John Bellamy. (2002). Ecology against capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Foster, John Bellamy. (2000). Marx’s Ecology: materialism and nature. New York: Monthly Review Press. (Também disponível em português)
Foster, John Bellamy, Clark, Brett, & York, Richard. (2010). The Ecological Rift: capitalism’s war on the Earth. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Gudynas, Eduardo. (2010). The New Extractivism of the 21st Century: Ten Urgent Theses about Extractivism in Relation to Current South American Progressivism. Americas Program Report, January 21, 1–14.
Hackmann, Heidi, & St. Clair, Asuncion Lera. (2012). Transformative cornerstones of social science research for global change. Paris.
Hahnel, Robin. (2007). Eco-localism: A Constructive Critique. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 18(2), 62–78. doi:10.1080/10455750701366444
Johns, David, Kovel, Joel, & Löwy, Michael. (2003). Has Ecosocialism Passed on the Tough Questions? Capitalism Nature Socialism, 14(2), 120–128. doi:10.1080/10455750308565527
Klein, Naomi. (2014). This changes everything. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Kovel, Joel. (2005). The ecofeminist ground of ecosocialism. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 16(731701634), 1–8. doi:10.1080/10455750500108146
Leap Manifesto. The Leap Manifesto (2015). Canada.
Löwy, Michael. (2007). Ecosocialism and Democratic Planning, 43, 1–16.
Löwy, Michael. (2015). Ecosocialism: a radical alternative to capitalist catastrophe. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Löwy, Michael. (2002). From Marx to Ecosocialism. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 13(1), 121–133. doi:10.1080/104557502101245413
Löwy, Michael. (2005). What is ecosocialism? Capitalism Nature Socialism, 16(2), 15–24. doi:10.1080/10455750500108237
Mclaren, Peter, & Houston, Donna. (2004). Revolutionary Ecologies: Ecosocialism and Critical Pedagogy. Educational Studies, 36(1), 10–26. doi:10.1207/s15326993es3601

Moncel, Remi, & Van Asselt, Harro. (2012). All hands on deck! Mobilizing climate change action beyond the UNFCCC. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 21(3), 163–176. doi:10.1111/reel.12011

Moore, Jason W. (Ed.). (2016). Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, history, and the crisis of capitalism. Oakland: PM Press.

Reitan, Ruth, & Gibson, Shannon. (2012). Climate Change or Social Change? Environmental and Leftist Praxis and Participatory Action Research. Globalizations, 9(3), 395–410. doi:10.1080/14747731.2012.680735

Schwartzman, David. (2009). Ecosocialism or Ecocatastrophe. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 20(1), 1–13. doi:10.1080/10455750902727154

Segerberg, Alexandra, & Bennett, W.Lance. (2011). Social Media and the Organization of Collective Action: Using Twitter to Explore the Ecologies of Two Climate Change Protests. The Communication Review, 14(3), 197–215. doi:10.1080/10714421.2011.597250
Williams, Chris. (2010). Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis. Chicago: Haymarket Books.


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