Chitra Nakshatra: Stellar Mind Programing Technique

Описание к видео Chitra Nakshatra: Stellar Mind Programing Technique

Indication: “The Star of Opportunity”

Nature/ Category of Star: Mridu (Soft/ Mild/ Tender)

Direction / Motion: Tiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Facing Forward/Level)

Pratima (Symbol): Bright Jewel or Pearl

Devata (Presiding Deity/ Tutelary Archetype/ Regent): Tvastar or Tvashtri or Vishvakarma (The Celestial Architect, Divine Engineer and Cosmic Craftsman of the Universe)

Shakti (Power): Punya Chayani Shakti (The Power to “Accumulate Good Karma or Merit in Life”)

Desire: To have Wonderful Children

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Gain Honour in one’s Work Download our app for iPhone and Android - The Most Comprehensive Life Changing Vedic Astrology App is available for a Free download!

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