My "Vague" Predictions for 2022 - Summer Games Special 2022

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Yes, I am doing a prediction for this year's Summer Games Event after all, however it will be vague, due to what had happened in the gaming industry like delays. There were not much hype happening so far this year. Geoff Keighley even warned that there will not be many 3rd party surprises in the Summer Game Fest 2022.

Since this year's prediction is "vague", there won't be a predictions result.

#ClassicThoughts My E3 2015 Top 10 Predictions Results

   • #ClassicThoughts My Top 10 Prediction...  

With that, if you have a chance, you can check my other channels and stuffs:

Introduction to the Megamix Games Showcase:
   • NautoAis' Games Showcase (Formerly Mm...  

Tour Guide on the Megamix Games Showcase:
   • Megamix Games Showcase Ver. 2 - Intro...  

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