If you've Taken Turmeric, Watch this. Mixing Olive Oil & Turmeric can Start An IRREVERSIBLE Reaction

Описание к видео If you've Taken Turmeric, Watch this. Mixing Olive Oil & Turmeric can Start An IRREVERSIBLE Reaction

Turmeric is a herbal plant characterized by its golden yellow color. Turmeric is characterized by its amazing content of curcumin and elements that are very beneficial to the body, Turmeric can do wonders and health benefits for you, but the most important substance in it, which is curcumin, is a hydrophobic molecule, meaning that it does not dissolve in water easily, so what is the correct way to take it in order to benefit from these many benefits?
In this video, we will talk about the many amazing benefits of turmeric that make you continue to take it every day, as well as how to take it in the best way and get the maximum benefit from it.
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• https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...
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