Volt Switch/Thunderbolt Shadow Raikou Duo Raid Without Purified Gems (No Weather/Party Play)

Описание к видео Volt Switch/Thunderbolt Shadow Raikou Duo Raid Without Purified Gems (No Weather/Party Play)

Mud Shot is very Close to full Charge the Party Play button so Groudon (Primal and Shadow) and Landorus (Therian Forme) with their Exclusive should be Good, Others Should be Excadrill and Garchomp with Mud Shot/Earthquake and Shadow is way better

To Use better the Party Play button heres best moves:

Fast: Dragon Breath/Bite/Lick/Water Gun

Charged: Draco Meteor/Stone Edge/Focud Blast/Hydro Pump/Overheat/Fusion Bolt/Fusion Flare and Every Charged attack that can Charge 1 Time i cant name all LoL


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