Two Princes // Rory/Amy/Doctor

Описание к видео Two Princes // Rory/Amy/Doctor

Cause yay I've been wanting to do this for so long!!!

After I saw the mini-episodes on the series 6 dvd I knew it was TIME for me to do this vid (it's been lingering on my list for a while now, lol) I had SO much fun with it, as you can probably tell, lol. Does anyone rememeber this song anymore? w00t for the 90s!!!

I've always been a fan of both the Amy/Doctor and Amy/Rory relationships, so this was just hilarious to work with. I hope no one takes it too seriously and thinks I'm judging one guy higher than the other. It's just obvious in the end that Amy chooses Rory and they're all happy and friends ;) I imagine the Doctor has a sad ache deep inside for his Amelia Pond, but he knows she is better off with Rory. Just go with it!! Have fun :D

And yes, the mini episodes are terrible quality, but I HAD to use them anyway. I hope it doesn't throw you off too bad.

ps. I hope you can hear all the dialog. I put the words in for one part cause I was afraid they wouldn't be understood and it's not funny if you can't understand what they're saying XD

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!!


Song: "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors


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