Quality vs. Quantity | Landon Ni | TEDxYouth@AISVN

Описание к видео Quality vs. Quantity | Landon Ni | TEDxYouth@AISVN

In my talk, I'd like to address quality and quantity in terms of planning and executing plans. This is a long-debated topic in any field of study. When trying to form a habit, it’s all about the “quantity” of days where you decided to show up (writing a journal, working out, etc.) rather than the quality of the work produced. However, there are times when quantity fails to trump quality (coming up with a thoughtful gift, words of advice for a friend). I am Landon Ni, and currently a Junior at SSIS. I enjoy playing various sports, and actively participating in my local community. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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