Expert Views Series: Robert Rybicki on Awareness Raising Campaigns

Описание к видео Expert Views Series: Robert Rybicki on Awareness Raising Campaigns

The Khartoum Process is a platform for political cooperation amongst the countries along the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe.
Within the framework of the Khartoum Process, a Thematic Meeting on Awareness Raising Campaigns was organised on 19 – 20 June, in The Hague, Netherlands. The meeting, hosted by The Netherlands and co-hosted by Ethiopia, brought together representatives of Khartoum Process Member States as well as a wide range of practitioners working with INGOs, NGOs and social enterprises active in the field of migration management.
The meeting was centered on the issues of impact and effectiveness of awareness raising campaigns and how do awareness raising campaigns fit in the broader context of policy coherence and whole of government approach to managing migration in countries of origin, transit, and destination.
In this video, Mr. Robert Rybicki, International Relations Officer at DG Home (European Commission), talking about the effectiveness of awareness raising campaigns. The way forward, in his view, is to acknowledge that campaigns are important, with the caveat that we need to better understand what we are doing, why are we doing and how much positive impact we are achieving.


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