Fighting Against Strong Ore Wheat Sheep

Описание к видео Fighting Against Strong Ore Wheat Sheep

In this two-fer, I fight against players with strong ore/wheat/sheep - a classic David vs. Goliath match-up in Catan. First game begins 1:05. Second game begins 50:48.

Q: What platform is this?
A: Catan Universe

Q: How do you calculate the “points” of an intersection?
A: The number tiles have dots beneath them that represent the frequency that number will be rolled (e.g. 6 and 8 have 5 dots under each representing a 5/36th probability of rolling that number). If you add up all the dots of an intersection, that is the productive value of that intersection. For example a 5/8/10, would be worth 12 points. 5 = 4 dots, 8 = 5 dots, 10 = 3 dots. 12 dots = 12/36 cards per turn, or 1 card every 3 turns. If you upgrade that intersection to a city, you would get 2 cards every 3 turns. I recommend memorizing the dots of each number to quickly recognize the best producing spots on the board. It also helps when you play craps!

Q: Where can I find a complete set of your “rules”?
A: See below. They are a work in progress, but a way for me to say thank you to all the folks who have encouraged me along the way. Good luck!

Rules v20190624

Rule #1 Ore Wins
Rule #2 Production, Production, Production
Rule #3 No Wheat = Defeat
Rule #4 Get All Five Resources
Rule #5 But, Ore/Wheat/Sheep Still Very Strong
Rule #6 Good Ratio of Wood:Brick is 1:1
Rule #7 Good Ratio of Ore:Wheat:Sheep is 5:3:2
Rule #8 Plan Third Settlement / Port
Rule #9 Point Roads to Coasts or Desert
Rule #10 Don’t Be Greedy (7-8pt Spots Will Be Contested)
Rule #11 Free Road? Yes, Please
Rule #12 Same Numbers = Feast or Famine
Rule #13 Reserved…
Rule #14 …
Rule #15 …
Rule #16 When First, Check Edges
Rule #17 When Third, Take Rare Resources
Rule #18 When Third, Predict Fourth
Rule #19 When Fourth, Take Best Production
Rule #20 When Second, Predict Last

Rule #21 Know Thyself: Army or Road?
Rule #22 Know Others: Army or Road?
Rule #23 Track Army & Road Progress
Rule #24 Largest Army Better Than Longest Road
Rule #25 Build Sooner / Take Bird in the Hand
Rule #26 Spread Out Production
Rule #27 Avoid Confrontations
Rule #28 Get a Port
Rule #29 Don’t Make Yourself a Target
Rule #30 When Ahead, Buy Dev. Cards
Rule #31 When Behind, Build Cities
Rule #32 Avoid Taking Army Too Early
Rule #33 Never Take Army Too Late
Rule #34 Build a City Before Max’ing Out Settlements
Rule #35 Take Longest Road as Late as Possible
Rule #36 Know Your Win Condition(s)
Rule #37 Know Opponents’ Win Conditions
Rule #38 Reserved…
Rule #39 …
Rule #40 …

Development Cards
Rule #41 Play Knights Before Rolling (Except If Holding 7 Cards)
Rule #42 Save Monopoly for the End
Rule #43 Beware of Monopoly
Rule #44 Road Building? Plan Ahead
Rule #45 Save Invention for Rare Resources
Rule #46 Victory Points? Just Build
Rule #47 Track Dev. Cards Remaining
Rule #48 Reserved…
Rule #49 …
Rule #50 …

Trading (General)
Rule #51 Trade to Build Now or Soon
Rule #52 Trade for Rare Resources
Rule #53 Trade with Trailing Players
Rule #54 Trade Tightly with the Leader
Rule #55 Reserved…
Rule #56 …
Rule #57 …
Rule #58 …
Rule #59 …
Rule #60 …

Trading (On Your Turn)
Rule #61 Trade Before Building
Rule #62 Almost a Coin Flip (48%), 7s Won’t Roll (4P)
Rule #63 Reserved…
Rule #64 …
Rule #65 …

Trading (On Opponents’ Turn)
Rule #66 Trade Tightly When Opp. Needs Trade to Build
Rule #67 Trade Tightly When Opp. Holds Many Cards
Rule #68 Avoid Trades When Opp. Has 6+ Points
Rule #69 Demand Multiple Cards When You Hold 7+ Cards
Rule #70 Reserved…

Rule #71 Block/Rob the (Real) Leader
Rule #72 Block Resources You Produce
Rule #73 Unfair Robber? Play Tit for Tat
Rule #74 Racing? Rob & Block What He Needs to Win Race
Rule #75 Reserved…
Rule #76 …
Rule #77 …
Rule #78 …
Rule #79 …
Rule #80 …

Table Management
Rule #81 Table Talk Works
Rule #82 Don’t Be a Jerk
Rule #83 Don’t Show-Off
Rule #84 Reserved…
Rule #85 …
Rule #86 …
Rule #87 …
Rule #88 …
Rule #89 …
Rule #90

Rule #91 Low Ore, Ports are King
Rule #92 Reserved…
Rule #93 …
Rule #94 …
Rule #95 …
Rule #96 …
Rule #97 …
Rule #98 …
Rule #99 …
Rule #100 Break Rules as Needed


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