Learning English as an Adult: Myths, Facts, and Competencies (Webinar)

Описание к видео Learning English as an Adult: Myths, Facts, and Competencies (Webinar)

In this webinar, the presenter will address typical questions and debunk common myths about adult English language learning using research-based evidence. This presentation will also introduce a framework of communicative language learning and teaching across linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competencies. Participants will see examples of how these competencies can support ESOL learners for academic, professional, and social purposes. Participants will be asked to visualize and share how these competencies can be applied to benefit adult ESOL teachers and students in their programs. This event is beneficial to adult ESOL teachers, teacher educators, program coordinators, and administrators. All are welcome to attend and participate.

02:00 - Welcome
04:47 - Poll
09:20 - Critical Period Hypothesis
16:03 - Current research
31:25 - Growth mindset + Stress-can-be-enhancing mindset
39:43 - Synergistic Mindset Protocol
45:21 - Atomic habits and systems
47:51 - Funds of knowledge
50:41 - Aligning competencies and instruction


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