Why and How Payza Is Being Shutdown/Investigated/Accounts Frozen

Описание к видео Why and How Payza Is Being Shutdown/Investigated/Accounts Frozen

The payment processor known as Payza, is being investigated for money laundering over $250 million dollars. This is why so many accounts with Payza have been unable to withdraw funds to their bank account. Payza may or may not be shutdown, for it’s still under investigation. This is why in business, you must work ethically and with integrity!
And it’s also why we stick so closely to Now Lifestyle and what it represents for so many. Business is a people and relationships game, and if you cheat you’re sent directly to jail. You do NOT get to pass go.
If you’re interested in joining a company with 15+ years of integrity filled experience that’s created multiple 7 and 8 figure earners. You can get more info on our team here!

Thank you for watching, if you need any help with your marketing or sales, don't hesitate to contact me, I would LOVE to help you!


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