45 Quranic Prayers قرآنی دعایئں | Ahmadiyya | Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V (aba)

Описание к видео 45 Quranic Prayers قرآنی دعایئں | Ahmadiyya | Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V (aba)

00:00 start
00:25 Our Lord, grant us good in this world as well as good in the world to come, and protect us from the torment of the Fire. (2:202)
00:42 Our Lord, pour forth upon us steadfastness and cause us to die resigned unto Thee.’ (7:127)
01:40 Our Lord, we have heard a Crier calling us unto faith, ‘Believe ye in your Lord,’ and we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us, therefore, our errors and remove from us our evils, and in death number us with the righteous. (3:194)
02:47 Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us; and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou alone art the Bestower. (3:9)
03:18 My Lord, grant me from Thyself pure offspring; surely, Thou art the Hearer of prayer. (3: 39)
03:36 Our Lord, grant us of our wives and children the delight of our eyes, and make us a model for the righteous. (25:75)
04:03 My Lord, grant me the power that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do such good works as may please Thee. And make my seed righteous for me. I do turn to Thee; and, truly, I am of those who submit to Thee. (46: 16)
04:48 My Lord, grant me a righteous heir. (37:101)
04:57 My Lord, I am in need of whatever good Thou mayest send down to me. (28: 25)
05:53 My Lord, I seek refuge in Thee from the incitements of the evil ones. And I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord, lest they come near me.’ (23:98-99)
06:20 O my Lord, increase me in knowledge. (20:115)
06:27 My Lord, open out for me my breast, and ease for me my task, and loose the knot of my tongue, that they may understand my speech. (20: 26-29)
06:51 Our Lord, bestow on us mercy from Thyself, and provide for us right guidance in our affair. (18: 11)
07:34 My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood. (17: 25)
07:55 My Lord, bestow wisdom on me and join me with the righteous; and give me a true reputation among posterity; and make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss; (26:84-86)
08:38 My Lord, I have wronged my soul, therefore forgive me. (28: 17)
08:49 Our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us; surely Thou hast power over all things. (66:9)
09:08 Our Lord, we believe; forgive us therefore our sins, and have mercy on us; for Thou art the Best of those who show mercy. (23:110)
09:24 Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves; and if Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the lost. (7: 24)
10:04 My Lord, leave me not childless, and Thou art the Best of inheritors. (21:90)
10:45 Our Lord, Thou dost comprehend all things in Thy mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who repent and follow Thy way; and protect them from the punishment of Hell. And make them, our Lord, enter the Gardens of Eternity which Thou hast promised them, as well as such of their fathers and their wives and their children as are virtuous. Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. And protect them from evils; and he whom Thou dost protect from evils on that day — him hast Thou surely shown mercy. And that indeed is the supreme triumph. (40:8-10)
12:11 Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in the faith, and leave not in our hearts any rancour against those who believe. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Compassionate, Merciful. (59: 11)
13:37 Our Lord, give us what Thou hast promised to us through Thy Messengers; and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Thou breakest not Thy promise. (3:195)
14:06 Thou art our Protector; forgive us then and have mercy on us, for Thou art the Best of those who forgive. (7:156)
14:26 Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell; for the punishment thereof is a lasting torment. (25:66)
14:45 Our Lord, we do believe; forgive us, therefore, our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire. (3: 17)
15:02 My Lord, make me observe Prayer, and my children too. Our Lord! bestow Thy grace on me and accept my prayer. Our Lord, grant forgiveness to me and to my parents and to the believers on the day when the reckoning will take place. (14: 41-42)
16:45 I am overcome, so come Thou to my help! (54: 11)
16:54 Our Lord, do not punish us, if we forget or fall into error; and our Lord, lay not on us a responsibility as Thou didst lay upon those before us. Our Lord, burden us not with what we have not the strength to bear; and efface our sins, and grant us forgiveness and have mercy on us; Thou art our Master; so help us Thou against the disbelieving people. (2:287)
17:55 O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us against the disbelieving people. (2:251)
18:17 ‘Our Lord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’ (3:148)



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