Why the Domestic Church must be rebuilt in Catholic Parishes to accompany 8th Grade Confirmation?

Описание к видео Why the Domestic Church must be rebuilt in Catholic Parishes to accompany 8th Grade Confirmation?

The greatest mystery of Catholicism is the Blessed Trinity. The interior life of God, His image and likeness, revealed and shared in human persons both individually and collectively. Male and Female He created them. Marriage forges an indissoluble union of self-giving love between one man and women. That love becomes so real nine months later they gave it a name. And their union which was two in one, now mirrors the Trinity as three in one.

The human person, marriage, and family are the visible signs of this invisible reality of God’s presence in the world. These icons have been intentionally redefined leaving successive generations no way of knowing who they are, where they can find fulfilment, and how to authentically love.

We were made by love, for love, to know love, and to be with love for all eternity. The roadmap for that destination starts in the home within the family, the building block of society, which communicates this first to its individual members and then society at large. A society whose existence depends on re-establishing this forgotten reality in the world.

0:00 - Start of Video
2:03 - What happened when David first met Michelle's family?
3:04 - When did they realize the "why" behind Catholicism was important as parents?
3:46 - When did they realize "discipleship" is a life-long journey?
4:34 - What friendships did they have that challenged their status quo as Catholics?
5:00 - When was a fire stirred in their hearts for a hunger for Truth?
5:25 - What does Catholicism and Treasury Office have in common?
6:30 - How does Catholic family life look and feel different through the lens of Truth?
6:58 - What destination is this couple living with intentionality for in their marriage?
7:45 - What is a domestic church?
8:24 - How do parents (especially Dads) live out the roles of their Baptism in Christ?
8:58 - How does each person (individually) represent the Trinity?
9:45 - Why must we use our talents wisely to glorify God? (see Mt. 25:14-30)
10:14 - Why surround your family with likeminded families?
10:40 - How is Dad the "Priest, Prophet, King" of the domestic church?
12:06 - Why authentic patriarchy is not misogyny?
13:37 - Why TOB is not about the martial act but the human person?
14:49 - How does educating parents in TOB energize the mission of parish life?
15:20 - How was receiving adult formation in TOB transforming for Michelle and David?
15:30 - Where is the first school of Christian life for a child?
16:18 - Why must we entrust our children to the Lord?


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