Vietnam Vet / Silver Star Recipient Johnnie Clark Shooting the M60 for the first time since Vietnam

Описание к видео Vietnam Vet / Silver Star Recipient Johnnie Clark Shooting the M60 for the first time since Vietnam

I had the wonderful opportunity to take Author / Vietnam Vet / Silver Star recipient put to shoot the M60 for the first time since 1968 …. This is one clip from the day of shooting… Johnnie wrote multiple books. Most notable he wrote GUNS UP! in 1981. It details his time spend in Vietnam as a machine gunner. I highly recommend it.

We take Vets out shooting throughout the year and have for some time. The weapons and ammunition are provided 100 percent at our expense. We make zero profit on these
events and our goal is strictly to provide these men with an opportunity to get their hands on the weapons they used during their time in the service

- Aaron Demko,
BeltFeds.Com, LLC, Owner

These videos are not meant to glorify war. For most of us, the war is a major part of our lives. For many of us, handling / using these weapons again is a gateway to our past.… A time when we were young and invincible.. Its not for everyone, but can be therapeutic for some of us..All of the weapons used in our videos are legal and highly regulated.


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