Electric Blue Acara Tank Setup Guide

Описание к видео Electric Blue Acara Tank Setup Guide

Electric Blue Acara tank setup should include adequate aquarium space for them to grow. These fish are from South America so they’re going to like dark water scenarios. If you can get yourself some big pieces of driftwood and try to mimic the Amazon river for them that’s going to be best.

I would advise a 30 gallon aquarium at minimum. These fish can grow anywhere from 4 to 6 inches long so they’re going to need at least 3 feet in length of a span of your fish tank. In a long-term scenario I would advise you using a 55 gallon aquarium at minimum.

➡ Live Plants - https://amzn.to/3VwMqFZ
➡ Popular Aquariums - https://amzn.to/3VNuPLu
➡ Rock & Wood - https://amzn.to/4emMp0d
➡ Best Lighting - https://amzn.to/3KNx8Yz

When it comes to feeding the electric Acara, Use a high-quality pellet food mixed with live foods as a treat. Some live foods may include black worms, raw shrimp cut up, or mysis shrimp.

These fish need a heated aquarium so figure on needing five whites for every 1 gallon of aquarium water. This is the power that you’re going to need to heat your aquarium to the adequate tropical temperatures. On average your aquarium should be heated to 78°F to 82°F.


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