Oshkosh 2013 Warbird Show - Cockpit View

Описание к видео Oshkosh 2013 Warbird Show - Cockpit View

An in-cockpit view of the jet warbird flybys at Oshkosh 2013. This footage was taken from an Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatros.

You might be able to tell that there is quite a lot of turbulence during a couple of the passes -- especially the first one, where I flew right into the remnants of a pyro cloud that hammered me pretty hard. Most of the banking back and forth during the passes was just me, trying to give the photographers in the audience something to shoot besides airplanes flying straight and level.

Airspeed during the passes was 320-340 knots, and the altitude was 200-300 feet (~1,500' on downwind). Most pull-ups were at 4-4.5G, except for the final one, which was at 5.0. The increased air noise during the pull-ups and turns was air coming out of the nearby G-suit connection, which I did not use.


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