How To Clean A Suzuki Access Carburetor

Описание к видео How To Clean A Suzuki Access Carburetor

How To Clean A Suzuki Access Carburetor.

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here is our carburetor so first you will have to remove these two bolts, then these two screws and then one more screw here which is there for the ring.
so first i will remove these two bolts which are connected to the engine.
then i will loosen the screw which is holding the ring.
after that you will have to push the rubber connection a little bit and pull out the carburetor, just keep this gasket in a safe place as you need it while putting everything back, here comes the carburetor out, you still have to leave three more connections, one is accelerator cable, then choke cable and petrol line.remove the petrol line and keep it on one side, now here i am removing the accelerator cable, by removing these two screws the accelerator cable will come out. now here comes out your accelerator cable just keep it on one side.
now you will have to remove the choke cable, and here comes out the choke cable.
so here is our carburetor which is completely separated from the bike so i will start to clean it now.
just take out some petrol from the motorcycle and take a paint brush and bush it outside first with petrol so that the dirt from out side will not go inside. clean the outside part of the carburetor really well and then we will open the carburetor after cleaning it with petrol just wipe it dry.
now here i am done cleaning the outside part of the carburetor, so you will have to take out these 4 screws which are holding the carburetor together.
you will have to put a clean paper and clean the carburetor on the paper so that the dirt from the floor will not go inside of the carburetor.
here i will start to remove all the four screws.
so here my carburetor is open now, all the parts which are taken out from the carburetor you will have to keep them in a safe place. just put petrol in a bowl and place all the dismantled parts in that bowl.
here you can see that how much dirt is accumulated over here inside of the carburetor like a layer, here i have taken out a pin from the carburetor, as i go on removing parts from the carburetor i will keep them on one side, here comes out the pipe and now i will remove the tuning screw.
like this one by one go on removing all the attachments and keep on one side safely, see that you don't loose any of the parts.
now here this part which is fallen out i will show you later from where it came out from, underneath of this part there should be a spring.
now we will remove this float by just pushing this small pin out and the float will come out easily.
here i am removing the choke assembly, just make it loose with a spanner,and here comes out my choke assembly.
as you can see here that i am taken out all of the parts from the carburetor and now i will start to clean them with petrol, all the parts which you have taken out from the carburetor you can now put in this bowl of petrol for soaking so that the dirt inside of the parts will become loose and will come out easily, here i am using a paint brush and cleaning all the parts, just clean all the parts nicely and see that there is no dirt left behind, you have opened it so much then clean it properly.
like this just put a few amount of petrol inside of this pipe so that all the dirt inside will come out, all the dirt inside will come out like this.
now all the small items which are there you will have to brush them one by one properly, there are small holes for these pins, you can just blow air inside of them and clear them, if you have a compressor then you can use that to blow air or you can blow air from your mouth.
now here i am done with cleaning everything and now i will replace my gloves and will start to assemble everything, i had told you that i would tell you later from where that part came from so here is where that part came from and underneath this part there is a spring, and then on top of that you will have to put this screw. now as and how you have removed all the part you will have to start to put them back. just put this pipe back and our carburetor fitting is done and we will now put it back on the bike, here i am attaching the choke cable, attach the choke cable first.
put that gasket back and slide the carburetor back in position, connect the float pipe, put screw for the ring and make it tight,
now put back the two bolts of the engine connection pipe,
connect the accelerator cable, and lastly you will have to connect the petrol tank pipe connection.
that's all in these video guys hoping that you liked my video if you have not subscribed to my channel then please subscribe and hit the bell icon to get notification of my latest video, till then bye and take care.


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