Gauge Parity for Orchestra

Описание к видео Gauge Parity for Orchestra

In the coordinate system of Gravity (V), Spin (P), and Time (T), themselves the Fourth Dimensions of interconnecting coordinate systems, the hidden propensity of Entropy (O) forms the Fourth Dimension. It is Entropy that fills the hypersphere upon which the galaxies are escaping as Spacetime itself expands to fulfill the cancellation of existence.
What forestalls Entropy in the cancellation of existence is properties of mathematics given as virtual slopes which operate as gauge parameters for the particle populations.
The populations themselves are described in the coordinate system of Red, Green, and Blue as gauged chromodynamic quantum properties, invoking a hidden Fourth Dimension of Spin. In the description as waves, this quality describes the proximities of crests and troughs during interaction.
The particle populations are hosted within the coordinate system of Length (X), Width (Y), and Height (Z), which persists through the Fourth Dimension of Time (T), collectively referenced as Spacetime, and is our habitat and source for information. In the establishment of the four dimensional reference for Spacetime, the square of T is subtracted from the sums of squares of X, Y, and Z, so the inclusion may be made consistent to addition by including the square root of negative one (i) to emergent values of the Fourth Dimension.
The particle populations denote events within Spacetime described in the coordinate system of Strong (S), Weak (W), and Electromagnetic (E) gauged physical properties, invoking a hidden Fourth Dimension of Gravity (V). It is the inertial property of gravitational mass which is most consistently and widely consulted to distinguish within the population.
Although symmetry is the initial condition as creation commences, the properties of mathematical abundance and the virtual slopes they describe deform the initiative into a balance bound by curvatures better understood as parity.
The virtual slopes available to Nature are only partially distinguishable through multiplication and these values are accessed in the early rapid expansion phase of the cosmos. Following this, new slopes are describable only as Pythagorean triangles of immense integer size, largely populated by values where the hypotenuse will be equal to the larger value plus one, and also there exists a similar set of lesser abundance for those where the value is plus two. No integer value may be discovered for that set where the hypotenuse is equal to the larger value plus three, although the relation is congruent.
This incapacity to secure, by Planck lengths, integer satisfaction for Entropy will govern the expansion, contraction, creation, population, and also cancellation of the cosmos, although not its content potential, established by gauge parameters. Examination of the light cone available since the dawn of Spacetime describes a fulcrum of Entropy event about fourteen billion years ago.
√ X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2 + Ti^2
√ R^2 + G^2 + B^2 + Pi^2
√ S^2 + W^2 + E^2 + Vi^2
√ V^2 + P^2 + T^2 + Oi^2


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