Asana My Tasks Plan Your Day

Описание к видео Asana My Tasks Plan Your Day

Today I’m going to show you how to plan your day in the My Tasks tab in Asana. This is the fourth part of helping you manage your tasks and time, and see at a quick glance what tasks you need to work on. Everyone will need to set this up for themselves as the My Tasks tab is private to you. Let’s get started!

We’re going to fill up the My Day section with the tasks that need to be worked on today. They are not necessarily due today, but need to be worked on today.
Click on My Tasks in the top left.
Look at your Recently Assigned tasks and set the status of them. The status will most likely be Not Started.

Take a look at your In Review section and see if you need to follow up with anyone about reviewing work. If you do, you can move it to the My Day section by clicking the handle at the left of the task and dragging the task to the My Day section.

Take a look at your Not Started section and see if there are any tasks that need to be worked on today. If so, you can move them to the My Day section by clicking the handle at the left of the task and dragging the task to the My Day section.

Take a look at your Work in Progress section and see if there are any tasks that need to be worked on today. If so, you can move them to the My Day section by clicking the handle at the left of the task and dragging the task to the My Day section.

Take a look at your On Hold and My Own tasks and see if there are any tasks that need to be worked on today. If so, you can move them to the My Day section by clicking the handle at the left of the task and dragging the task to the My Day section.

Once you’ve got all your tasks sorted into your My Day section, you are ready to work on those tasks!

In the next video, I'm going to show you how to set up a rule to move tasks into a certain section based on the due date.

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