Short Term Rental Calculator : Step By Step Evaluating A 3BR Home!

Описание к видео Short Term Rental Calculator : Step By Step Evaluating A 3BR Home!

Hey! I’m Rory from BNB Wealth Academy, and I’m excited to introduce you to our newest real estate tool designed to help you analyze short-term rental properties like a pro! In this video, I walk you through a detailed tutorial on how to use the tool, using a 3-bedroom home as a real-world example.

Together, we’ll dive into the key aspects of evaluating a property, from market values and financing options to monthly expenses like utilities and maintenance. I’ll also show you how to calculate potential cash flow and ROI, helping you make informed decisions about your investments.

What makes this tool even more powerful is that it instantly tells you whether the deal is a good one, a bad one, or just an okay one based on the information you input. This feature helps you save time and make smarter investment decisions at a glance.

This tool is designed to simplify the analysis process and is available for everyone to use at Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started in the short-term rental space, this tutorial will help you understand how to optimize your strategy and maximize your returns.

Let’s break down the numbers and take your investment journey to the next level! Be sure to like, subscribe, and check out our other videos for more tips and strategies.

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