STOP Raking Leaves, Do THIS Instead 🍂 Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up | Leaf Mulch

Описание к видео STOP Raking Leaves, Do THIS Instead 🍂 Fall Vegetable Garden Clean Up | Leaf Mulch

This is the BEST thing you can do for your garden, and it’s so much easier than raking and bagging leaves. In this garden vlog I will also discuss the few ways I am easily preparing the garden for the winter season for an amazing garden next spring.

Leaf mulch is so powerful for your garden, you need to try it. This is the perfect project for beginner gardeners and helps improve the soil.

If you are looking to learn how to garden, stay tuned as I plan on bringing you along every step of the way.

♥️Raspberry Pruning In Spring:    • Spring Pruning Raspberry Bushes!! Bes...  

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🌱About Me🌱

Hi! I am Jessica and live in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I love gardening and making our own food and want to share this passion with you! I have a small backyard garden that provides so much food for my family and my parents have a small homestead that we take care of on occasion. Follow along for more content on backyard gardening and homesteading!

Vegetable gardening tips; beginner gardening; vegetable garden clean up;


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