FINAL FANTASY XVI - Leviathan - Full Fight

Описание к видео FINAL FANTASY XVI - Leviathan - Full Fight

Leviathan Phase 1

Spinning Dive

Leviathan disappears into the water spout before jumping out from one end to the other, trying to hit Ifrit along the way.

Use Fireball's tracking to determine where Leviathan is, then dodge as soon as the serepent leaps from the spout.


The enemy Eikon creates rings of water that slowly close in toward Ifrit and deal damage on contact.

Wait until a ring gets too close, then dodge or dash out of the water's radius.

Tidal Roar

Leviathan charges up a beam of water and fires a jetstream of energy through the spout that damages Ifrit if you touch it.

Stay close to the edges of the water spout to avoid this attack.

Grand Fall

Leviathan stays close to the edges of the spout while swimming in circles to create waves of water as projectiles. When the waves finish, the enemy Eikon rushes forward to attack Ifrit physically.

Dodge every projectile one after the other before waiting a moment to dash to the side and avoid Leviathan's follow-up strike.


Leviathan summons a large ring around Ifrit that slowly closes in and deals damage on contact.

Wait until the ring is close, then dodge through it. Alternatively, you could dash toward the edge of the ring and dodge before it closes.


Leviathan dives into the watery surface of the arena before bursting up from below Ifrit in a physical attack.

An Area of Effect (AoE) ring appears where Leviathan is going to appear. Move away from that space to avoid taking damage.


The enemy Eikon dives into the water and appears at the opposite end of the arena. Leviathan shoots a beam of energy from its mouth before moving forward, swiping the beam back and forth in a horizontal pattern.

Slowly move toward Leviathan, dodging the beam whenever its sweeping attack comes back toward you. Once your close to the enemy Eikon, attack it while you get behind its mouth.

Salt Spray

Leviathan dives into the water and reappears far away from Ifrit. The Eikon circles around the edge of the arena, forming water orb projectiles that target and chase you. Leviathan typically follows up this attack with Breach.

Keep an eye on each projectile and use Ifrit's dodge or dash to disrupt their targeting or avoid them altogether.

Phase 3

Stupid bubble - start with spitfire - bring absolutely fury.

Leviathan Phase 4


Leviathan once again summons a ring of water, but this time creates multiple dangerous circles that can all damage Ifrit.

Dodge and dash through each ring exactly how you did before in phase 2.

Salt Spray

This move functions in the same way as it did in Phase 2, with no adjustments. Leviathan still follows up this attack with Breach.

Avoid every projectile tracking Ifrit, and watch the ground for the AoE radius of Breach before dodging the physical attack.


In addition to the beam of water Leviathan creates sweeping across the arena, several water spouts erupt from the ground at the same time.

Find a place in between the water geysers where you can dodge the beam and approach Leviathan without accidentally dashing into one of the spouts.


Leviathan conjures a massive whirlpool covering a large section of the arena, which slowly pulls Ifrit toward the center. After this move finishes, it creates multiple water projectiles similar to Salt Spray.

Dash or move against the current dragging you to the whirlpool's center. Then, dodge the projectiles tracking Ifrit once the core of the whirlpool explodes.

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