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[오타] 01:51 포유강 → 양서강

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※ 참고자료·논문자료·자문 등 도움
미시간대학교 의식과학센터에서 의식과학 분야를 연구 중인 장현우
Stages of Sleep: REM Sleep, Deep Sleep, and Circadian Rhythm
: https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/bio...
Siegel, Jerome M. "Clues to the functions of mammalian sleep." Nature 437.7063 (2005): 1264-1271.
Rattenborg, Niels C., and Gianina Ungurean. "The evolution and diversification of sleep." Trends in Ecology & Evolution (2023).
Hobson, J. Allan. "Electrographic correlates of behavior in the frog with special reference to sleep." Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology (1967).
Shaw, Paul J., et al. "Correlates of sleep and waking in Drosophila melanogaster." Science 287.5459 (2000): 1834-1837.
Li, Xinjian, Feng Yu, and Aike Guo. "Sleep deprivation specifically impairs short-term olfactory memory in Drosophila." Sleep 32.11 (2009): 1417-1424.
Cirelli, Chaira, and Daniel Bushey. "Sleep and wakefulness in Drosophila melanogaster." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1129.1 (2008): 323-329.
Tainton-Heap, Lucy AL, et al. "A paradoxical kind of sleep in Drosophila melanogaster." Current Biology 31.3 (2021): 578-590.
de Souza Medeiros, Sylvia Lima, et al. "Cyclic alternation of quiet and active sleep states in the octopus." Iscience 24.4 (2021).
Pophale, Aditi, et al. "Wake-like skin patterning and neural activity during octopus sleep." Nature 619.7968 (2023): 129-134.
Nichols, Annika LA, et al. "A global brain state underlies C. elegans sleep behavior." Science 356.6344 (2017): eaam6851.
Liu, Yi, and Deborah Bell-Pedersen. "Circadian rhythms in Neurospora crassa and other filamentous fungi." Eukaryotic cell 5.8 (2006): 1184-1193.
Dvornyk, Volodymyr, Oxana Vinogradova, and Eviatar Nevo. "Origin and evolution of circadian clock genes in prokaryotes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100.5 (2003): 2495-2500.

▪ 배경음악
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