Loch Ness Exploration and The Loch Ness Centre - Surface Watch 2023

Описание к видео Loch Ness Exploration and The Loch Ness Centre - Surface Watch 2023

Thank you to each and every single one of you for all the continuing support. A lot of hard work went into planning this weekend, and even though we didn't capture any conclusive proof, I would still say that our time at Loch Ness was a success. It's truly incredible to see that so many people worldwide still have a keen interest in the Loch Ness Mystery and the ongoing research. The weather over the weekend was far from ideal, and unfortunately, we hit some barriers, but we still managed to demonstrate what we're hoping to achieve in the coming years.

I don't think we had full capacity in regard to volunteers due to the awful weather. However, I got to meet volunteers who had travelled a long way to be part of this exciting weekend. We had individuals from England, France, America, Canada, Finland, and Germany. News teams from around the world also joined us for the weekend, and it was great to be able to advocate on the importance of Loch Ness and what it means to us.

The LNE report will be with you all this week, so be sure to check in on our Facebook Group: Loch Ness Exploration.

I personally would normally film footage of our time at Loch Ness, but due to all the interviews and conversations, I wasn't able to get much footage. Within this video, you'll see some of my personal footage as well as footage from other news teams. I don't own these rights, and if there's any issues, please let me know, and I will remove the video, but hopefully you will allow us to share these clips with everyone.

For more information and enquiries, please email us at: [email protected]
If you wish to submit any videos or pictures for analysis then please send them to our friend Dick Raynor from Loch Ness Investigation or myself.

Thank you!

Alan McKenna - LNE


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