Lightning leads to gold?

Описание к видео Lightning leads to gold?

It started way back in 1555 with a short paragraph describing lightning pathing a silver strike. It wasn't until 1949 that some science was put behind it and finally recognized what Gold Miners have known for centuries.
Lightning can find ore bodies but it isn't the everyday lightning we are chasing, it couldn't be that easy.
As Prospectors, we are chasing the Tigers Tail of one of the rarest and the most deadly forms of lightning on the planet.
Do you know if you have what it takes to chase 300,000amps and 1,000,000,000 volts? It ain't easy but it can be rewarding.

Norinder, H., & Salka, Paper -

Gold Trails -

Special thanks to:
Norinder, H., & Salka, O. (1949). The Effect of Geologic Inequalities on the Path of Lightning, as Indicated by Model Experiments. Tellus, 1(4), 1-5.


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