Sound of our Monochord Table used for sound healing

Описание к видео Sound of our Monochord Table used for sound healing

Day twelve of twenty one days of sound

Today's sound meditiation features our 55 string Monochord Table Number 27 made by Joachim Mars of Naturtonmusik. Here you can see me playing the strings on the underside of the table while Jurek relaxes on the top; half the strings are tuned to a deep note of C and the other to G which is a fifth above. The sound surrounds the receiver moving them into a deeply relaxed state - my first experience of a monochord table was unforgettable, amazing and given by a therapist called Lindi te Water

Enjoy ............ we did :)

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Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏 Pam and Jurek

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Sound and Silence Resonant Healing. All Rights Reserved.

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Guidelines for your Meditation

Find a safe and comfortable place to sit and listen to the sounds using headphones or good quality speakers.

Sit in a position that feels good for you, straighten your back and feel your body supported by the chair, the floor

Rest your hands palm up on your knees, with your forefinger and thumb touching, while the other three fingers are open

Take a few deep breaths noticing how your body naturally rises and falls with the inhale and exhale, feel that familiar rhythm of the body moving as you breathe in and out

If you've been feeling anxious try extending the out breath so you breathe in for the count of 4, hold for the count of 2 and then breathe out for the count of 7 and do this again three times and return your normal way of breathing.

Now you've begun to feel more relaxed with your breathing turn your attention to the sounds and listen to the different harmonics
If for any reason you become distracted by thoughts or a sound from outside then focus again on your body breathing, feel the familiar rise and fall of your body and when you feel settled return your attention to the sound of the bowl

When the meditation is finished take a moment to focus on how you are feeling, notice any thoughts, how your body feels and then gradually bring some movement back into your body perhaps rubbing your hands gently together, having a stretch by lifting your arms above your head, do whatever you need to be fully back in your space - drink some water


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