Drafting Indemnity Webinar with Praktio Sep 23

Описание к видео Drafting Indemnity Webinar with Praktio Sep 23

Indemnification provisions are common tools for allocating risk between the parties in a range of contracts. While different types of contracts conventionally use indemnification provisions a bit differently, they share common elements and the potential for having dispute-inducing pitfalls and negotiation-riling points of misalignment.

Given their subject matter—and the opaque language often at play in indemnity provisions—drafting and negotiating indemnity provisions can be an onerous and contentious task.

Attend this practical webinar to learn the common considerations for drafting better indemnity provisions that are more likely to accomplish your goals, while avoiding common drafting pitfalls and mitigating potential disputes.

After this webinar, you'll be able to:
- Understand the key components of indemnity provisions
- Compare how different types of agreements use indemnity provisions
- Identify and fix potential drafting pitfalls

Who should join this webinar?

This program will benefit all lawyers who draft, review, or negotiate contracts that include indemnity provisions.


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