Описание к видео OVER THE EDITORS SHOULDER - Ep1

I learned how to edit by looking over the editor's shoulder - now you can too!

Watch a professional editor editing commercials featuring celebrities including Ricky Gervais, Dame Judi Dench and Chris Packham.

Editor Bio:
Rory Cantwell is an editor, colourist and graphics artist who has been working at the top of the industry for over thirty years.

A founding partner of Soho Editors Talent & Training, Rory is also a master trainer of both DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro X.

Please contact [email protected] to hire Rory or any of the other great Freelance talent they represent and visit https://sohoeditors.com for full details of our Talent Agency, Training and Permanent Recruitment departments and to find the perfect talent or training for you.

Thanks to The Campaign Against Trophy Hunting for allowing us to use their material. Follow and support the campaign here: https://campaigntobantrophyhuntingsto...

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