Superhuman Strength | Repping 3.6 x Bodyweight w/ Lee Sang-yeon

Описание к видео Superhuman Strength | Repping 3.6 x Bodyweight w/ Lee Sang-yeon

67kg Lee Sang-yeon is one of the strongest weightlifters in the world pound for pound, with some of the most incredible strength lifts ever. In this training session, alongside his teammate Bak Joo-hyo, he built up to a 120kg snatch, a 175kg clean and jerk, a 220kg snatch grip deadlift and a double in the back squat at 245kg.

Bak Joo-hyo (-73kg) built up to 140kg in the snatch and attempted a collosal 190kg in the clean and jerk prior to some squats.

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