Jason Flame Honor Day at Martial Arts History Museum

Описание к видео Jason Flame Honor Day at Martial Arts History Museum

Join us as the Martial Arts History Museum honors one of the most prominent figures in the martial arts, Jason Flame. Jason Flame is the owner of Moorpark Karate & Krav Maga in Moorpark, Ca. He started his martial arts training in 1985 and opened his first school in 1996. He is an 8th Degree Black Belt in American Tang Soo Do and also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga, Black Belt in Ketsugo Ju Jitsu & Black Belt in Combat Hapkido.

The Museum’s honor day is a day we set aside to honor and pay respect to amazing figures in the martial arts. It is a time when all the past and current students can gather together and say “thank you” for making an impact on my life. It is a fun event that people come in from all over the globe to pay their respects.


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