Hidden ancient town in The Desert: Iram - Atlantis of the Sands

Описание к видео Hidden ancient town in The Desert: Iram - Atlantis of the Sands

Iram - lost city, now uncovered.
Build by Jinns? Nephilim? Are they the people of Ad?
What the Bible and Quran say...the Book of Enoch?
Who is Shaddad? The mighty King of Ad who maybe even built the Pyramids...

Embark on a journey through time as we unveil the enigmatic tales of vanished cities, some shrouded in obscurity while others echo through history. Join me today as we delve into the mysteries of a forgotten metropolis, swallowed by the vast, sandy expanses of the Rub' al Khali desert. Known by various names – Iram, Irem, Ubar – this lost city beckons with whispers of a bygone era.

In the rich tapestry of Islamic and pre-Islamic mythology, Iram emerges as a creation of genies predating even the time of Adam. In Western lore, it takes on the name Iram of the Pillars. Lawrence of Arabia, the legendary figure of the desert, bestowed upon this mystical realm the poetic title, the 'Atlantis of the Sands.' Join me in unraveling the captivating legends that surround this hidden gem of history.
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