PPDT v/s TAT I Main Difference I How to fill Box Details & Write Action I PPDT-TAT Tips

Описание к видео PPDT v/s TAT I Main Difference I How to fill Box Details & Write Action I PPDT-TAT Tips

What Is TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) ?

TAT additionally know as Thematic Apperception Test. TAT is a part of the Psychological Test which occurs in stage 2 of the SSB interview. TAT is utilized by the psychology testing officers to evaluate the competitor based on psychological efficiency and OLQs. TAT comprise of 11 picture slides and a blank slide.

In TAT, 12 pictures are projected on the screen. Applicants need to take pictures on every one of the 12 slides. The twelfth slide will be a Blank Slide. You will be given 30 secs to imagine the story you need to compose. 4 mins will be given to compose the story.

What Is PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test) ?

PPDT technically known as Picture Perception & Discussion Test is an important screening test in SSB interview process. It is held under Screening Test (Phase-I Selection) on Day 1 of SSB Interview. It is held after OIRT (Officer Intelligence Rating Test). PPDT includes a description followed by a Group Discussion on it.

PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test) involves writing a story on one given picture (As in TAT), narrating the same individually and finally a Group Discussion wherein the candidates (Between 15 to 20) after hearing each other story are required to discuss and formulate one common story.

Difference Between TAT and PPDT : The candidates are shown a blurred picture for a time period of 30 seconds. Based on it, candidates are then alloted a time period of 4 minutes to write a story on it. The story should contain the details related to the picture such as- what led to the situation, what is happening now and what will be the outcome. (Past, Present & Future).

Candidates are also expected to mark all the characters shown in the box present at the left side of the paper with the encirclement of position of the central character in the picture. The details of the character in the picture such as Age, Sex (Male or Female), and Mood should also be mentioned. 1 minute extra is alloted to write the action before starting the story.

Now a Group Discussion is conducted wherein the candidates (Between 15 to 20) after hearing each other’s story are required to discuss and formulate one common story. One student is chosen among the group to narrate the common story.


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