Borrowdale rainforest National Nature Reserve

Описание к видео Borrowdale rainforest National Nature Reserve

We are excited to announce that on 22 May 2024, the Borrowdale rainforest has been announced as the latest in the ‘King’s Series of National Nature Reserves’ (NNRs) by the the National Trust and Natural England.

These ancient Oakwood's are the largest of the last surviving fragments of the UK’s delicate temperate rainforest, which now covers less than 1% of the country. Starting with 721 Hectares of carefully chosen habitat, we will be working together with local farm tenants to manage the woodlands to ensure it is cared for, enhanced and able to thrive for the benefit of nature and people.

A big part of this project will be to engage the local community and get people involved so look out for upcoming opportunities to learn more about this incredibly rare and fantastic habitat.


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