Little Nemo: The Dream Master NES - Guitar Medley By LloydTheHammer

Описание к видео Little Nemo: The Dream Master NES - Guitar Medley By LloydTheHammer

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So this game is a weird one for me. I remember playing this for the first time in the same store as where I played The Legend Of Zelda on NES for the first time as a kid. I also remember getting into a fight with one of my best friends because he lost a life and he blamed me for it haha. This game is a mixed bag for me. It has amazing music that's for sure. The gameplay could have been better if you ask me though. The difficulty is what does it for me. It's what I like to call 'NES hard' where most of the difficulty comes from constantly respawning enemies, sometimes very poor enemy placement (I swear sometimes you have to get hit no matter what as far as I'm concerned) and lots of trial and error (which isn't a bad thing if done correctly mind you). It feels unfair to me and I get frustrated when I play. This really is a game you have to play over and over again until you know everything about every stage to successfully beat the game. Also I gotta say this game predates Super Mario Odyssey with the taking over animals and playing as them and using their abilities which was very funny when I realized that! The music is probably the best part of this game for me. Every song is just so damn catchy and head bopping it makes me wanna dance a little. Songs like 'Cloud Ruins' or 'Nemo's House' are so uplifting and some of my favorites from this OST! So overall it's a great game but definitely has some flaws but that's okay. Anyway enough of me ranting I hope you'll enjoy my Guitar Medley of Little Nemo: The Dream Master for NES!

Original Composer: Junko Tamiya
Arrangement By: LloydTheHammer

Medleys Playlist:    • Medleys  
Covers Playlist:    • Covers  

Song List:

0:00 Opening
0:49 Dream 1 Mushroom Forest
1:29 Dream 2 Flower Garden
2:11 Dream 3 Toy House
2:53 Dream 4 Night Sea
3:22 Dream 5 Nemo's House
4:01 Dream 6 Cloud Ruins
4:29 Dream 7 Topsy-Turvy
5:03 Epilogue
5:51 Staff Roll

Equipment Used:

Guitar: ESP LTD EX-50 SW electric guitar snow white & Jackson King V X-Series KVXMG BLK
Bass: Fazley FPB118SB electric bass guitar sunburst
Drums: Addictive Drums
DAW: Reaper
Amp: Bias Amp 2
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A50
Video Editor: Shotcut
Interface: Focusrite Scarlet 2i2

All copyright belongs to the original owners.

#LittleNemo #NES #LloydTheHammer #Medley #Cover #Capcom


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