Do the Anticipation Dance! | UNDRR

Описание к видео Do the Anticipation Dance! | UNDRR

Ready to learn about anticipatory action... through dance? The Anticipation Dance is an innovative, intensely interactive, and participatory approach for raising awareness about the value of linking early warnings with early action for Disaster Risk Reduction. First shown at the During this Ignite Stage performance at the 2022 Global Platform, The Anticipation Dance was developed in collaboration with professional choreographers, musicians, dancers, anticipatory action experts, and other partners. During this Ignite Stage performance, Anticipation Hub partners danced along to the Anticipation Dance, and invited the audience to join in. The experience inspired new actors to understand, engage with, and advocate for anticipatory action as part of disaster risk reduction through the energetic and embodied dance experience. Experience the power of song and music for effective early warning communication in this fun interactive exercise.

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#anticipatoryaction #earlywarningsforall


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