Sonic Frontiers - Master King Koco Trial (Extreme Mode) (No Cheese)

Описание к видео Sonic Frontiers - Master King Koco Trial (Extreme Mode) (No Cheese)

Played on steam with a keyboard and mouse.
When it came out, this section of the game quickly became infamous for being an absolutely massive difficulty spike. It is a boss rush of three titans where you have to properly time your parries. It was eventually nerfed for the regular difficulties. I'm not sure if it was changed on extreme mode, but it is still a challenge. What makes this so rough is the fact that you have to hit fairly precise inputs with really weird visual cues. I don't know the exact timing, but I estimate it to be around a 1/10th of a second or 6 frames. Having the Wyvern chase segment also adds a barrier which prevents you from just mindlessly slamming your face into the challenge until you win.

Done without anything like stun locking Giganto, invincibility during Wyvern from holding one of the dodge buttons, pause buffering, etc. For obvious reasons, most people make use of these on their extreme mode playthroughs. This was one of the things I cleared and didn't record during my hiatus. For my first time, this took 7 hours plus another 3 playing on pre-nerf hard mode. This time it took me another 3 hours. This run in general was crazy. Aside from actually getting hit, what could go wrong went wrong.

Giganto is not free. The easiest way I found requires you to do a parry after cylooping it, but it's better than having to deal with the back lasers when Giganto spins around to attack you. You can still occasionally get hit by a laser right when you cyloop which is pretty funny but also annoying. Also try your best to have a full quick cyloop gauge by the end of the fight. Usually it dies while in the air, but if you mess up a bit while doing damage you will have to play a little more of the fight.
0:36 Move away when Giganto is going to attack.
1:43 I pay attention to the arm on the bottom, it goes around a bit and sometime during this you have to parry. You kind of have to get a feel of when to do this, looking at the arm just gives you a consistent visual indicator.

Wyvern is the biggest wall here. First off, the missles can be quite mean. It can be hard to tell which one is going to hit you, especially during phase 2 which adds quite a bit of clutter to the visuals. Something that can happen sometimes is a missle will just fly past you and another will hit you immediately after. To help prevent this, try to position yourself where you can see best and stay still. Once you parry a missle, Wyvern will swipe you with claws which you have to parry in order to do damage. Occasionally you will have to deal with missles when you would normally be focusing on claws which is just wonderful. One the first phase, it's definitely a good idea to cyloop Wyvern but on phase 2 it will probably get you killed. Annoyingly, you can sometimes get glitched in the air after the cyloop which makes you have to do another round of missles and claws.
5:48 The claw on your left side will stop for a moment, then move to hit you. I found it best to use my reflexes to parry as soon as I see it move.
7:20 It will claw twice. For the first one, Wyvern will spin around for a moment then a claw coming from your right side will swipe at you. I found it easiest to kind of react to the claw as soon I see it coming towards me. The second claw comes on your left side and you have to time it slightly earlier than you would assume.
7:42 For the tail here, the red "strings" will sort of flick and that is my visual cue to parry. Normally you only have to do this once, but I messed up the damage a bit so I had to do it again.

Knight is quite nerve-wracking. For the first phase, try to attack it until it brings out the shield, after you get through the shield bit use a quick cyloop then you should get it into phase 2. DO NOT USE THE QUICK CYLOOP BEFORE THE SHIELD RIDE IT WILL NOT WORK. I forgot about this, so I ended up panicking and fumbling around for the rest of the Knight fight. I thought it was over. I genuinely have no idea how I survived because I had no idea what I was doing, even somehow hit a parry that I had never done before? This run was hilariously dumb.
9:44 Stand still and keep jumping. If you get hit while in the air, you can spam dodge and then you might not die.
10:27 When Knight does a downward slash like here, move to the left or right.
10:42 The sweep here cannot be avoided by just moving to the side, so try to get away before you get hit. If you don't waste the cyloop like me, those should be the only attacks you have to worry about in phase 1.
14:16 Stay around the middle and when catching the shield with a parry, sit still. Moving while trying to do that will make this much harder.

I'm not sure if I will end up doing a full playthrough of this game, but it wouldn't be for a while so I just decided to record this now to get my clear out there.


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