EMBRAER, Making of the KC-390 Wind Tunnel Model

Описание к видео EMBRAER, Making of the KC-390 Wind Tunnel Model

NLR designed and manufactured a large wind tunnel model for the KC-390 transport aircraft from the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer EMBRAER.

The model was tested in the Large Low-speed Facility (LLF) of DNW and has a wing span of about 5 meters.

The new EMBRAER KC-390 wind tunnel model is an update of a previously tested older model. The latest wind tunnel tests included simulated in-flight refueling of the aircraft, as well as payload parachute testing. In addition, a number of specially developed complex measurement techniques were applied to examine specific phenomena such as the velocity flow field.

The highly sophisticated KC-390 wind tunnel model reflects the state of-the-art expertise necessary to perform complex wind tunnel tests. Particularly the simulated in flight refueling operation using a hose and drogue system required creative and innovative solutions.

For more information on wind tunnel models visit http://www.nlr.org/capabilities/wind-...


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