At the Crossroads: A Personal Story -- Boldly Sing & Speak Your Truth

Описание к видео At the Crossroads: A Personal Story -- Boldly Sing & Speak Your Truth

In this video, I share some personal background that few people know about me: that I trained as a professional singer & songwriter before I became an author and business coach. I was very lucky to have an amazing vocal coach who urged me to be courageous and use my voice boldly so I could sing and speak the best of me.
I share this story because what I want for you at this difficult moment is to feel free enough to claim your own voice, your own truth. By doing so, you'll honor the heroic call of Congressman John Lewis who said, "Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble."
So today, I urge you to move from the intentional calm, healing breathing we've done so far, and now turn this deep restorative breathing into singing and speaking boldly from your whole being.
Make a necessary noise, a joyful noise, a power-filled noise that will echo to create a brave, new world.


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