100% Sukses! Resep ROTIBOY ROTI’O PAPPAROTI: Garing Gurih Istimewa! [Coffee Bun]

Описание к видео 100% Sukses! Resep ROTIBOY ROTI’O PAPPAROTI: Garing Gurih Istimewa! [Coffee Bun]

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00:00 : intro
01:52 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:57 : membuat adonan biang (making the starter dough)
03:40 : membuat adonan roti (making the bun dough)
06:37 : uleni, bagi, dan bentuk adonan (kneading, portioning, shaping)
07:36 : isi adonan (filling the dough)
08:17 : susun di loyang dan resting (arranging on the pan and resting)
08:46 : membuat topping kopi (making the coffee topping)
10:20 : beri topping kopi di atas adonan dan panggang (piping the topping on and baking)
11:12 : hidangan siap dan serving (the buns are ready to serve)

#ResepCoffeeBun #ResepRotiBoy #ResepRotiO #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Coffee Bun (8-9 pcs)

Adonan roti (sponge/biang):
200 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
150 ml air
3 gr ragi
45 gr gula

135 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
20 gr susu bubuk
3 gr ragi
1 butir telur
40 ml susu cair
45 gr mentega
4 gr garam

Topping kopi:
5 gr kopi instan
2 sdm air panas
75 gr mentega
100 gr gula pasir
1 butir telur
75 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1 sdt ekstrak kopi

90 gr mentega asin

1. Untuk biang, siapkan mangkuk, masukkan tepung, ragi, dan gula, aduk rata, lalu tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk, tutup dengan plastic wrap, diamkan selama 2-3 jam
2. Untuk dough, masukkan tepung, susu bubuk dan ragi ke dalam Ecohome Stand Mixer Noble, lalu tambahkan susu cair dan telur, aduk hingga rata
3. Masukkan adonan biang, lalu mixer kembali dengan Ecohome Stand Mixer Noble, lalu tambahkan mentega dan garam, mixer selama 15-17 menit hingga benar-benar kalis
4. Keluarkan adonan, olesi meja dengan sedikit minyak, lalu timbang masing-masing 70 gr, bentuk bulat, tutup dengan plastic wrap, diamkan kembali selama 15 menit
5. Pipihkan sedikit adonan, lalu beri isian mentega asin, lalu bulatkan adonan dan susun diatas loyang, tutup dengan plastic wrap dan diamkan selama 30 menit
6. Untuk topping, masukkan mentega dan gula, lalu mixer dengan Ecohome Stand Mixer Noble sampai berwarna pucat
7. Tambahkan telur, kopi, ekstrak kopi, aduk kembali hingga rata, lalu masukkan terigu, aduk rata
8. Semprotkan topping ke permukaan roti hingga menutupi setengah bagian roti
9. Panggang dengan suhu 170-175 derajat selama 15 menit dengan menggunakan Ecohome Electric Oven Platinum
10. Setelah matang, dinginkan roti sebelum dibelah

Ecohome Stand Mixer Noble ESM-999
Ecohome Electric Oven Platinum EOP-888
Jangan lupa follow Instagram @ECOHOME_INDONESIA
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Coffee Bun Recipe (8-9 pcs)

Bun Dough (sponge/starter):
200 g bread flour
150 ml water
3 gr yeast
45 gr sugar

135 g all-purpose flour
20 g powdered milk
3 g yeast
1 pc egg
40 ml milk
45 g butter
4 g salt

Coffee Topping:
5 g instant coffee
2 tbsp hot water
75 g butter
100 g sugar
1 pc egg
75 g all purpose flour
1 tsp coffee extract

90 g salted butter

1. For the starter, prepare a bowl and combine the flour, yeast, and sugar. Mix well, then add the water bit by bit while stirring. Cover with a plastic wrap and proof for 2-3 hours.
2. For the dough, add the flour, powdered milk, and yeast into Ecohome Noble Stand Mixer. Then, add the milk and egg in. Mix well.
3. Add the starter in and mix again with Ecohome Noble Stand Mixer. Add the butter and salt in. Mix for 15-17 minutes until the dough is really elastic.
4. Transfer the dough onto an oiled work surface. Portion to 70 g each, shape it into balls, and cover with a plastic wrap. Rest for 15 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough a little bit and add the salted butter filling on top. Shape it into a ball and arrange on a baking pan. Cover with plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes.
6. For the topping, add the butter and sugar and mix with Ecohome Noble Stand Mixer until it pales.
7. Add the egg, instant coffee, and coffee extract in. Mix well, then add the four in. Mix again.
8. Pipe the topping onto the bun until it covers half of the bun.
9. Bake at 170°C-175°C for 15 minutes with Ecohome Platinum Electric Oven.
10. Once they’re done, let the buns cool before slicing.


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