Growing Eucalyptus from seed - How To

Описание к видео Growing Eucalyptus from seed - How To

Collecting, sowing, and growing of various eucalypts (gum trees), grown from seed in root trainers in a nursery.

Demonstrates how to harvest seed, close-up examination of seed, sowing seed, and looks at seedlings at 6 months old. These are grown in Marlborough, New Zealand, a temperate climate with high sunshine hours and low rainfall.

Species shown:
E. Globulus
E. Cladocalyx
E. Obliqua
E. Camaldulensis
E. Cordata
E. Sideroxylon
E. Botryoides
C. Maculata
C. Ficifolia
E. Delegatensis
E. Nitens
E. Regnans

Good info here:

Covering seedlings in winter with shade cloth is good insurance against frost damage. Or transfer into shade house/glasshouse/indoors. Eucalypt seeds generally do not require treatment in order to germinate, just direct sow in late winter/early spring. Some from cold climates do have a slight degree of dormancy, e.g. Delegatensis.

Some common species:
Eucalyptus acmenoides - white mahogany, yellow stringybark - Eucalyptus aggregata - black gum - Eucalyptus albens - white box - Eucalyptus argophloia - western white gum, chincilla white gum - Eucalyptus astringens - brown mallet - Eucalyptus baxteri - brown stringybark - Eucalyptus blaxlandii - brown stringybark - Eucalyptus bosistoana - coast grey box - Eucalyptus botryoides - southern mahogany, swamp mahogany, bangalay - Eucalyptus brockwayii - dundas mahogany - Eucalyptus camaldulensis - river red gum - Eucalyptus camaldulensis obtusa - murray river red gum, red gum - Eucalyptus capitellata - brown stringybark - Eucalyptus cladocalyx - sugar gum - Eucalyptus cloeziana - gympie messmate - Eucalyptus crebra - narrow leaf ironbark - Eucalyptus cypellocarpa - mountain grey gum - Eucalyptus delegatensis - alpine ash, tasmanian oak - Eucalyptus diversicolor - karri - Eucalyptus dives - broad-leaved peppermint - Eucalyptus dunnii - dunn's white gum - Eucalyptus elata - river peppermint - Eucalyptus fastigata - brown barrel, cuttail - Eucalyptus fraxinoides - white mountain ash - Eucalyptus globoidea - white stringybark - Eucalyptus globulus bicostata - victorian blue gum - Eucalyptus globulus globulus - tasmanian blue gum - Eucalyptus globulus maidenii - southern blue gum, maiden's gum - Eucalyptus grandis - flooded gum, rose gum - Eucalyptus horistes - oil mallee - Eucalyptus kochii - oil mallee - Eucalyptus laevopinea - silvertop stringybark - Eucalyptus largiflorens - black box - Eucalyptus leucoxylon - yellow/white gum - Eucalyptus macrorhyncha - red stringybark - Eucalyptus marginata jarrah
Eucalyptus melliodora - yellow box - Eucalyptus microcarpa - grey box, manna wattle - Eucalyptus microcorys - tallowwood - Eucalyptus muelleriana - yellow stringybark - Eucalyptus nicholii - small leaved/willow leaved peppermint - Eucalyptus nitens - shining gum - Eucalyptus obliqua - messmate - Eucalyptus occidentalis - swamp yate, flat-topped yate - Eucalyptus oleosa - oil mallee - Eucalyptus paniculata - grey ironbark - Eucalyptus pauciflora - snow gum - Eucalyptus pellita - red mahogany - Eucalyptus pilularis - blackbutt, coastal blackbutt - Eucalyptus polyanthemos - red box - Eucalyptus regnans - mountain ash, victorian ash - Eucalyptus resinifera - red mahogany - Eucalyptus robusta - swamp mahogany, swamp messmate - Eucalyptus saligna - sydney blue gum - Eucalyptus salmonophloia - salmon gum - Eucalyptus sideroxylon/ E. tricarpa - red ironbark - Eucalyptus sieberi - silvertop ash - Eucalyptus tereticornis - forest red gum. - Eucalyptus urophylla -
Eucalyptus viminalis - manna gum, ribbon gum, white gum - Eucalyptus wandoo - wandoo


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