What is VFD and VFD parts ?

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This article shows the working principle of AC drive (variable frequency drive, or VFD). The performance of AC drive is also described. The simulation model is simulated using MATLAB Simulink and their results are also analyzed. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in waveforms is also analyzed. The use of VFD has been increased dramatically in the field of HVAC applications. The common applications of AC drives are in air handler, chiller, pumps and tower fans. A better understanding of ac drive's working principle with leads to improve in application and selection of both equipment and HVAC system. This article is intended to provide a basic understanding of AC drive terms, AC drive operations and Power Factor improvement, Harmonics mitigation by AC drive and a simulation project to show how AC drive is beneficial for energy savings. In addition to this paper will discuss the comparison between VFDs and other technologies with respect to industrial standards.

The AC drive industry is growing rapidly and it is now more important than ever for technicians and maintenance personnel to keep AC drive installations running smoothly. AC drives change the speed of ac motor by changing voltage and frequency of the power supplied to the ac motor. In order to maintain proper power factor and reduce excessive heating of the motor, the name plate volts/hertz ratio must be maintained. This is the main task of VFD. AC drives basic working principle:
AC drives are used to stepless speed control of squirrel cage induction motors mostly used in process plants due to its ruggedness and maintenance free long life.
AC drive control speed of ac motor by varying output voltage and frequency through sophisticated microprocessor controlled electronics device.
AC drive consists of Rectifier and inverter units. Rectifier converts AC in DC voltage and inverter converts DC voltage back in AC voltage.
AC drive Operation Principle
For understanding the basic principles behind AC drive operation requires understanding three basic section of AC drive: the Rectifier unit, DC Bus and the Inverter unit.
The supply voltage is firstly pass through a rectifier unit where in gets converted into AC to DC supply, the three phase supply is fed with three phase full wave diode where it gets converts into DC supply. The DC bus comprises with a filter section where the harmonics generated during the AC to DC conversion are filtered out. The last section consists of an inverter section which comprises with six IGBT where the filtered DC supply is being converted to quasi sinusoidal wave of AC supply which is supply to the ac motor connected to it.

From the ac motor working principle, we know that the synchronous speed of motor (rpm) is dependent upon frequency. Therefore by varying the frequency of the power supply through AC drive we can control the synchronous motor speed:
Speed (rpm) = Frequency (Hertz) x 120 / No. of poles
Frequency = Electrical Frequency of the power supply in Hz. No. of Poles = Number of electrical poles in the motor stator. Thus we can conveniently adjust the speed of an AC motor by changing the frequency applied to the motor. There is also another way to make the ac motor work on different speed by changing the no. of poles, but this change would be a physical change of the motor. As the VFD provides the frequency and voltage of output necessary to change the speed of a motor, this is done through Pulse Width Modulation VFDs. Pulse width modulation (PWM) variable frequency drive produces pulses of varying widths which are combined to build the required waveform.
As the frequency can easily variable as compared with the poles of the motor therefore ac drives are frequently used.
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What is VFD and VFD parts ?
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