TF2: Let's talk about the Details behind -Every- Weapon Ban

Описание к видео TF2: Let's talk about the Details behind -Every- Weapon Ban

After around 40 hours of researching, writing, recording and editing, I've finally managed to put together this detailed guide on why every single item is banned currently in competitive TF2, going through all of the weapons, even to the weird bans like taunts and certain cosmetics.
It's been a huge amount of work, so please do let me know if you found it useful!( ´∀`)

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TMP's video on odd jungle inferno mechanics (gas passer footage)
   • 1 Minute of Odd Jungle Inferno Mechanics  

Touhou remixes used:
   • 【東方和風】月まで届け、不死の煙【彩音 ~xi-on~】  
   • Видео  
   • Видео  
   • Видео  
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   • 【東方Bossa Nova】 春のおとずれ 「ShibayanRecords」  
   • 【東方JAZZ】 上海紅茶館 〜 Chinese Tea【彩音 ~xi-on~】  
   • 【東方JAZZ】 亡き王女の為のセプテット【彩音 ~xi-on~】  
   • 【東方Traditional/Bossa Nova】 風の滝 「Shiba...  
   • Видео  

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• Intro/Outro music is by: (with permission)
• Background ambience is usually from:


0:00 - Intro & Background

2:00 - Scout's Soda Popper
3:00 - Scout's Bonk! Atomic Punch
3:45 - Scout's Crit-a-Cola
4:40 - Scout's Flying Guillotine
5:10 - Scout's Mad Milk
5:48 - Scout's Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
6:16 - Scout's Atomizer

7:00 - Soldier's Cow Mangler 5000
8:40 - Soldier's Mantreads
9:25 - Soldier's Disciplinary Action

9:40 - Pyro's Dragon's Fury
10:53 - Pyro's Gas Passer

11:15 - Demoman

11:43 - Heavy's Natascha
13:08 - Heavy's Buffalo Steak Sandvich
13:51 - Heavy's Fists of Steel

15:20 - Engineer's Rescue Ranger
16:04 - Engineer's Short Circuit
16:55 - Engineer's Wrangler

17:38 - Medic's Quick Fix
18:58 - Medic's Vaccinator
20:22 - Medic's Solemn Vow

21:22 - Sniper's Machina
22:32 - Sniper's Sydney Sleeper
23:10 - Sniper's Jarate

23:46 - Spy

25:14 - Multi Class' B.A.S.E Jumper
25:40 - Multi Class' Reserve Shooter
26:15 - Pyrovision
27:12 - Noisemakers
27:50 - Noise Making Miscs
29:03 - Explosion on Death Miscs

30:05 - Conclusion


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