VSGO Black Snipe 25L... is this the camera bag I've been looking for??

Описание к видео VSGO Black Snipe 25L... is this the camera bag I've been looking for??

Styling isn’t ideal, but what a bag! Perfect in almost every other way. Amazing.

Hit these links to get your VSGO Black Snipe 25L!

US: https://amzn.to/3TDe6YZ


UK: https://amzn.to/4avNnVc

EU: https://amzn.to/3SEJSV5

And hit this one to get your 120ist merch – https://120ist.shop

Well… I confess I wasn’t totally sure what to expect from this one. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with camera bags… pretty much every camera bag out there is designed for the ambitious DSLR / mirrorless shooter, who all seem to need a bag which can accommodate a colossal lens. Weird.

Anyway, for the most part, bags aren’t designed for us film shooters. They don’t tend to have enough space, don’t tend to be accessible enough, and usually aren’t sufficiently customisable to allow us to make them what we want them to be.

But no longer… enter the VSGO Black Snipe 25L… it’s big, it’s accessible, it’s comfortable, it’s totally not deisgned with large format film shooters in mind, but it’s fully customisable, so you actually can, for once, rearrange everything to allow it to take our weirdly shaped stuff!

Lots to like about this bag, I love the rigid body, even with the dividers removed, I love the roominess of the inside. I love that the tripod is actually held securely and solidly when strapped in.

I don’t like the look of it. If there’s one thing that film shooters don’t tend to be, it’s clean. And I mean that in a self-image way, not in a grubby way. We do shower. We just don’t tend to head out photographing in a sharp three piece suit and tie. Which is roughly where this bag would sit most comfortably.

But no matter, as promised in the vid, I dragged the bag through the mud, and it looks much better now.

Let me know your thoughts!


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