Chat with Chou | LIVE Q&A for Prospective Students with TMU President Dr Abner Chou

Описание к видео Chat with Chou | LIVE Q&A for Prospective Students with TMU President Dr Abner Chou

Thanks to all who sent in questions and participated!

Dr Abner Chou Bio:

Info for Admitted Fall 2023 Students:


In the wisdom of our God, college is far more than we might think.

During the Reformation, it was a college Bible study meeting at the White Horse Inn that became the core group that not only drove the recovery of the doctrine of justification by faith but also led to the translation of the English Bible. In 1885, there were the Cambridge seven: seven students who banded together at college to reach China for Christ. Their work still shapes missions to Asia and Africa today. One of their number, C. T. Studd, wrote the famous words

“Only one life, “twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last”

It is a reminder that we want our lives to count for an eternal weight of glory (2 Cor 4:17) and that the Lord, in His providence, has used one’s time at college to make life count.

Our goal at The Master’s University is to be a place where God would raise up generations of those like Tyndale from the White Horse Inn or C. T. Studd from Cambridge. We realize that we are not just a school but part of a movement. Linked with a host of ministries—Grace To You, The Master’s Seminary, The Master’s Academy International, The Master’s Fellowship, and more, we are part of a network of likeminded believers in all kinds of vocations across the globe, all making their stand for Christ and Scripture. They are looking to us for the next generation to lead the church as this world goes from bad to worse (cf. 2 Tim 3:13).

So there are people depending upon your student, many of whom you have not yet met. People from churches, in the local community, in the workplace, a future spouse and family, all of whom are relying that your student not only understand how to do a job properly but how to handle the truth rightly, to support the church in being the pillar and grounds of the truth for this generation.

Education is far more than just getting a job or having a little bit of knowledge. Our calling is an eternal one, and no ordinary education will meet that standard. That is why each one of our faculty and staff is dedicated to one doctrinal statement and the singular goal of capturing every thought and discipline unto Christ, to invest their lives in others to make an impact that goes far beyond this life to eternity. The reward of this is incorruptible (1 Pet 1:4), and the joy of it is ultimate, as there is no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth (3 John 4).

Whether you know it or not, your student is an answer to prayer. Many around the world are praying with great earnestness to secure the church for the next generation, and we are praying as well, knowing our stewardship of souls, knowing that your student is our joy and crown, and knowing with great anticipation of how the Lord will use them throughout this world in His plan for Christ and Scripture.


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