This Expat Life #43 What to do if you can't decide on your next move

Описание к видео This Expat Life #43 What to do if you can't decide on your next move

Big life decisions can be difficult for anyone - but I think for expats even more! Think about it: a decision on your career automatically has impact on your location, and thus your social life, proximity to your friends, a relationships, etc etc. No wonder some expats find it hard to make a decision!

I very often speak with expats who feel stuck and can't decide on their next move. Their thoughts keep going round & round in circles and they don't know what's best for them.

In this episode I share 2 principles that will help you find clarity in your indecision.

And need some further help?

➡️ I offer Your Next Destination, a small coaching package designed to help you make a choice. In 2 coaching sessions I'll help you clarify the thinking loops you are stuck in, so that you are more capable to make a decision aligned with what you truly want.

This package is great for those who just want a little support, but don't need a full deep dive coaching journey. Book it here:

➡️ Or join my mini course Touch Base, helping you to stay grounded in your busy expat life as you go.


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