Low cost detachable roof green house (GH)

Описание к видео Low cost detachable roof green house (GH)

The greenhouse technology (GH) is well established for cultivation of vegetables, flowers and nursery growing but the construction cost of natural ventilated greenhouse is major hindrance in its adoption by farmers. The availability of bamboo is abundance in Jharkhand which can be utilized for construction of low cost protected structure. The low cost natural ventilated GH is a simple structure constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, timber etc. and UV stabilized plastic film & insect net proof material is used as cladding materials. Unlike conventional or hi-tech greenhouses, no specific control devices for regulating environmental parameters inside the greenhouse are provided.
The GH can be used successfully for round the year cultivation of tomato & capsicum by providing desirable environmental condition. But the major challenge occurres during summer season when air temperature and light intensity is very high. In the Jharkhand conditions ambient temperatures in summer generally exceeds 330C, so evaporative cooling is the most efficient means of GH cooling, which can lower the GH temperature below the ambient air temperature but it cannot be used in low cost natural ventilated GH. The option available for cooling the low cost GH is natural ventilation and shading/reflection screen but the temperature inside the GH could not be reduced or maintained even up to open field temperature using above options. The shading/reflection screen used for reducing the temperature also reduced the light intensity below required level for cultivation of tomato/capsicum because light passes through cladding material (UV stabilized film) and shading/reflection screen. In detachable roof GH structure (except roof) is covered with insect net proof material (40 mesh), but the roof is covered with UV stabilized film (200 micron) during rainy season (July-October) & winter season (November-February) and shade net material (green and 50%) during summer season (March-June). The developed structure work as a greenhouse (November-February), rain shelter (July-October) and shade net (March-June).
The specification of structure, length: 12 m, width: 6 m, side height: 2 m and central height: 3 m (Inside door: - width: 1 m, height: 2.2 m) and compartment for double door structure: width: 2 m, length: 2 m and height: 2.2 m (outside door: width: 1 m, height: 2.2 m). The estimated construction cost of the greenhouse is around Rs. ` 300/m2, and can be constructed locally.


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