rrtyui vs ExpertBOT! // The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK]

Описание к видео rrtyui vs ExpertBOT! // The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK]

Goodnight rrtyui :(

Map: https://osu.ppy.sh/b/131891&m=0

rrtyui: https://osu.ppy.sh/u/352328
rrtyui's Skin: http://puu.sh/3uYMT.zip

ExpertBOT: https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2378346
Skin: http://hnng.moe/f/8Lh

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I miss rrtyui.
Well, the whole community loves him so I guess I'm half speaking on the behalf of everyone here.
Seriously, I was pretty sad when I saw this, but I guess it was always gonna happen eventually. There's no stopping ExpertBOT. He was playing the map so much that eventually, he was gonna get #1. It's just to me, rrtyui was always the player that I looked up to the most. It's so sad to me how a player can just become irrelevant. But hey, best I can do is look on the bright side, because some guy had that talk with him about him possibly coming back, so there's always that chance.
Whatever he does, we'll always remember him and respect him just as well.


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