Gorgeous George Show Sux Public Access Prank Calls (Extended Edition)

Описание к видео Gorgeous George Show Sux Public Access Prank Calls (Extended Edition)

Check out Yarid Wars,Happy Snout Hour and Gorgeous George Quioccasins road blues for up to date Gorgeous George news!
   / yaridwars  

George Quioccasins road blues
   / Канал  

Happy Snout Hour
   / happysnouthour  

The Gorgeous George Show is the equivalent of cutting off one of your limbs with a rusted olive fork. George Alexander Yarid, aka Gorgeous George (born July 16, 1968), is 47 and still lives in a tri-level house that he usurped from his dead mother. It is a decent house in a decent neighbourhood, but it's not the mansion George likes to say it is on TV. Gorgeous George used to deliver food for a living. Now he drives a taxi that he has to pay the company to drive.

George has been raping our eyes and ears for 20 years. It all started when he claimed he saw all of these racist shows on RCAN (a public access channel) and thought it was missing a man with a deficit in terms of talent.

Over the years he has done a ton of lulzy things including harassing people on the internet he claims he doesn’t care about, sue people for copyright infringement when he frequently uses or steals various songs and comedic bits to use on his show, claims he’s not fat, he gave a whore in Las Vegas a wedding ring which in turn she pawned for meth, claims he’s straight yet he was caught sucking dick at a gloryhole in a gay bar called Fielden’s, etc. If I went on about all the funny things he’s done this description would be as long as War & Peace. The point is he’s a huge ball of fail and makes Chris Chan look like Betty White in comparison in regard to ego.

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This video is covered under fair use as defined by 17 U.S.C. § 107 and upheld by Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., Salinger v. Random House, New Era Publications Int'l v. Henry Holt & Co, Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corporation, Sony Corp v. Universal City Studios, Authors Guild v. HathiTrust, Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.:

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Thank you for watching.


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