STRONGMAN TRUCK PULL: Eddie Hall vs 21-yrs Belsak in Budapest 2014

Описание к видео STRONGMAN TRUCK PULL: Eddie Hall vs 21-yrs Belsak in Budapest 2014

Giants Live: the World's Strongest Man Qualifying Tour started the Budapest Contest with truck Pulling arm over arm style.

21-year old Matjaz Belsak off Slovenia battles the UK 's rising stars - Eddie Hall and Graham Hicks.

All 3 athletes were yet to be considered greats in the sport of strongman; but all 3 wanted the podium finish at Giants Live to guarantee their place at the World's Strongest Man contest that year.

This was a bit of a baptism ion fire for them as it was not traditional truck pulling - as the truck is pulled in with the athlete sitting down facing the truck.


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