SRQH VIDEO 5: How your Soul communicates with you - Soul Resonation Quantum Healing Experience

Описание к видео SRQH VIDEO 5: How your Soul communicates with you - Soul Resonation Quantum Healing Experience

VIDEO 5: This video is the 5th video of the Soul Resonation Quantum Healing Experience videos. These videos come with a purposefully designed self-discovery journal which you can find on the website.

This video covers:
- Who is my Soul?
- What language does my Soul speak?
- How does the Soul communicate?
- How can i hear my Soul?

The Soul Resonation Quantum Healing Experience is a unique three part experience to heal. Online or in-person.
PART ONE: Watch the pre-healing resonance videos on the website. Download the self discovery journal and complete.
PART TWO: A 3 hour personal experience where we use the Gamma & Theta altered natural state to heal and raise your vibration.
PART THREE: Mirrorverse Integration discussion. Two weeks after your healing session, we get together again to discuss the many internal and external changes of your experience. Looking at synchronicities, relationships and how to integrate your alignment for continued expansion.


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